Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK) for the Fourth Quarter of 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK) for the Fourth Quarter of 2024

Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK) for the Fourth Quarter of 2024

January 21, 2025 | BPS Activities

BPS Metro Municipality is once again conducting the Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK) for the fourth quarter of 2024 in the year 2025. This activity aims to collect data related to the development of the micro and small industry sector in Metro Municipality, which can be used as a basis for evaluating the regional economic performance and formulating policies that support the growth of the industrial sector.


The data collection process will take place from January 2 to January 18, 2025. In this survey, BPS Metro Municipality is using the Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) method with the FASIH application to expedite the data collection and processing process. This technology allows officers to directly record data on digital devices, thereby increasing the efficiency and accuracy of the information collected.


The survey team consists of Field Enumerators (PCL) and Field Supervisors (PML), who are organic staff of BPS. It is hoped that the results of this survey will provide a comprehensive overview of the contribution of the micro and small industry sector to the economy of Metro Municipality, while also assisting the government in formulating targeted development strategies. The public is encouraged to support the smooth running of this activity by welcoming the official officers who are on duty according to the schedule.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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